Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Mirrors are a wonderful decorative addition to any room in the house! As with any wall decor, principles of height, size, and space must be followed to ensure proper art placement on the wall. (See the previous blog "The Art of Art Placement.") Mirrors, however, pose an additional concern... reflection.

Properly placed mirrors will reflect an image worth reflecting such as a fireplace or a seating area. Mirrors that reflect blank walls, dark corners, or stairways add no decorative detail to the room and should be removed or replaced with a different art piece.

The "Before" photo shows a reflection of two small photo frames. These two pieces were too small for the wall, and the reflection emphasizes this flaw. The "After" photo's mirror reflects a nice piece of art that doubles the decorative effect in this room.

Mirrors can add visual value to your room when properly placed. Be sure to abide by the design guidelines for correct placement!

KFM Staging & Design is a Minnesota home staging company that creates "First Impressions that Sell" in the Twin Cites and Western Wisconsin. KFM specializes in vacant staging and staging consultations. Visit our website for staging tips or to schedule your in-home or online consultation.

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"Creating First Impressions That Sell!"
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