Saturday, July 25, 2009

What Do Enchiladas Have to do with Home Staging?

In today's busy world, time is at a premium for hardworking people. "Multi-tasking" has been engrained in our daily habits so much that it is almost second-nature. For example, at this moment I am writing a blog, updating my Facebook status, planning three vacant staging projects for next week, and cooking enchiladas for dinner (beef, not chicken).

Staging your house while juggling kids, work, and the dog may drive busy sellers over the edge. In situations like this, it is essential for these sellers to have a "plan of attack" when preparing their house for sale. It is the goal of home staging professional to give suggestions for color choices, furniture arrangement, and home accent placement. However, good staging consultations do not stop there. Realizing the importance of your time, stagers should prioritize your staging To-Do List.

So many times I find sellers cleaning out underneath the bed before cleaning the stain on the carpet that Fluffy left behind. (If you are taking notes... Pet stains on carpet take priority over the junk under your bed.)

Take me for example... although my Facebook status is long overdue for an update, it is not as important as planning my upcoming staging projects. And even though this blog post is keeping all my fan waiting (yes, fan - singular), I have been regularly checking my cooking dinner in an effort to not burn it... again.


Once you have received a proritized staging list, your time will be used more efficiently; thus, allowing your to take Fluffy on an extra walk to prevent further stainage. Yes, staging your house properly does take a lot of work, but it does not need to be an overwhelming obstacle.

While technically, this staging post does not offer the latest trend in home staging tips; hopefully, it will be an encouragment to homeowners who find themselves insanely lost in a pile of boxes and tchotchkes. There is hope.

The Result of Priority Planning --> The enchiladas (made from scratch) are now in the oven with the timer set... The vacant stagings are coming together... This blog is almost completed... and My Facebook status awaits, if I can pry the computer away from my teenage daughter.

KFM Staging & Design is a Minnesota home staging company that creates "First Impressions that Sell" in the Twin Cites and Western Wisconsin. KFM specializes in vacant staging and staging consultations. Visit our website for staging tips or to schedule your in-home or online consultation.

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KFM Staging & Design

"Creating First Impressions That Sell!"

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Monday, July 13, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth?

Disney World is considered (by the Disney Corporation), the "Happiest Place on Earth." If you have ever been to the parks, you can reminisce how mouse ears, fairy princesses, and non-stop cheery music create a magical world that most children, young and old, cannot resist.

Over-zealous mouse fans can unintentionally turn Disney charm into nightmare when trying to imitate the Magic Kingdom in their own room...

Snow White, Bambi, and a myriad of characters turn this room into a cluttered sight. Notice there is no furniture, no decor, just walls full of a busy print. Therefore, when selling your house, it is essential to neutralize the space for buyers.

Neutralizing walls have positive effects:
  • Suits various decor styles and colors
  • Increases the visual size of the room
  • Reduces a cluttered atmosphere
  • Appeals to a larger segment of buyers

This room in the picture above has a happy ending... but you will need to check out future blogs to find out!

KFM Staging & Design is a Minnesota home staging company that creates "First Impressions that Sell" in the Twin Cites and Western Wisconsin. KFM specializes in vacant staging and staging consultations. Visit our website for staging tips or to schedule your in-home or online consultation.

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KFM Staging & Design
"Creating First Impressions That Sell!"
Visit MyBlogLog and get a signature like this!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Home Staging Precautions

Working as a Minnesota home stager, everyday I tell homeowners to "remove the clutter," "pack away personal photos," and "hide the dog." All these suggestions help to create a desirable atmosphere in the house. However, there may be other "desirable" items in your house that we do not necessarily want buyers to enjoy.

  1. Move OTC ephedrine tablets and all prescription medications to a personal dresser.
  2. Keep personal papers containing your financial information in a secure location.
  3. Place kitchen knife blocks inside the cabinetry for Realtor safety.
  4. Empty jewelry boxes or remove entirely.
  5. Remove house and car keys from key hooks.

Now this blog post is not encouraging sellers to turn anthropophobic, agoraphobic, or harpaxophobic. Instead, homeowners should be empowered and secure their belongings by removing the temptations altogether. The probability of a theft occurring during a showing is quite minimal; however, we do not want to take the risk (no matter how slight it may be).

So, in the midst of packing your non-essential home decor (as directed by your friendly, home staging professional), keep mindful of the Top Five Home Staging Precautions to secure your personal safety.

KFM Staging & Design is a Minnesota home staging company that creates "First Impressions that Sell" in the Twin Cites and Western Wisconsin. KFM specializes in vacant staging and staging consultations. Visit our website for staging tips or to schedule your in-home or online consultation.